Professor Claudio Sillero

Research Interests

I am a conservation biologist dedicated to the conservation of threatened species, mitigation of people-wildlife conflict, impacts of disease, protected areas management, transfrontier conservation and the role of networks in conservation. I maintain an interest in the behavioural ecology of carnivores, particularly the biology and conservation of wild canids, focus of my early research.

Additional Information

I joined the Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU) in 1988, soon after its creation. Its aim is to undertake original research on aspects of fundamental biology relevant to solving practical problems of wildlife conservation and environmental management.

I am the founder and director of the Ethiopian Wolf Conservation Programme, dedicated to secure viable and ecologically functioning Ethiopian wolf populations and habitats, and to emphasise its role as a flagship for the conservation and sustainable use of the Afroalpine ecosystem.

I am the Chair of the IUCN Canid Specialist Group, the international body responsible for the conservation of wolves, jackals, dogs and foxes.

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